Ultimate Embroidery Kit
Ready to try hand embroidery? Jenny Hart's Ultimate Embroidery Kit has been a go-to to get started stitching for over fifteen years! Perfect for anyone who wants to learn hand embroidery. Exclusive tools, now-I-get-it instructions and endless embroidery possibilities! Start off by stitching up the towels included with the kit, and when those are finished, you'll still have patterns, threads, tools, newfound skills and inspiration for countless more embroidery projects!
Kit Includes:
- 2 woven, multi-striped, 100% cotton tea towels
- 5" wood embroidery hoop
- 1 pair gold embroidery scissors + non-leather sheath
- 4 embroidery needles + magnet
- Three Simple Stitches beginner instruction booklet
- 1, 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of Sublime Stitching iron-on embroidery patterns
- 7 colors of Sublime Floss
- 1 Fine Tip Iron On Transfer Pen for making your own designs!